Hluboká nad Vltavou

Hluboká nad Vltavou is a town located mainly under the famous Hluboká Castle, located near České Budějovice. The first mention of the city dates back to the 14th century.

The most visited sights of the city include the State Chateau Hluboká and the South Bohemian Zoological Garden Hluboká. After these two tourist-dominating tourist destinations, there are several other destinations in the picturesque town on the Vltava River, which certainly makes sense to give a chance. It is the most comprehensive and largest Sport-Relaxation Area Hluboká. Here you will find a rope center, children's world, beach volleyball, mini golf, rental equipment and especially the pier and bathing pier at the local beach. Thanks to the pier and rental you can use a motor boat, paddleboard, sea kayak, eclipse mirage pedalboard, megaboard and more. Another popular destination is the National Agricultural Museum Ohrada, which is an exhibition of fishing or hunting. For lovers of culture and art, next to the neo-Gothic chateau, in the premises of the original chateau riding hall, Aleš South Bohemian Gallery, which is one of the most important art galleries in the Czech Republic and offers world-class exhibitions. Sports-minded visitors will find tennis courts, a football pitch with an artificial surface, or a golf club that offers 18-hole and 9-hole courses on the local Sportovní Street.

There is a port in the local chateau where you can also spend the night with the boat and use the facilities of the local captain and Infopoint Vltava. As already described, a wide range of water activities is offered by the Sport and Relaxation Area. You can also rent a motorboat, e-bike or get a boat ticket at the port. Sightseeing cruises stop in and around the port. The town of Hluboká nad Vltavou is the home port for several houseboats where you can spend a beautiful holiday. In the city, the Vltava is not the only place to enjoy a boat adventure. Especially families with children will appreciate the ferry on the Munický pond, which will take you from the outskirts of the city directly to the zoo ..

For more information about current events, accommodation or gastronomy visit tourist website depths.com


+420 387 966 164


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