Cantieri Capelli 520

Open nimble speedboat for holders of VMP.

Price from 3 700 Kč /day

Open nimble speedboat with outboard engine Yamaha 80 HP is ideal for day trips to the card owner the leader of a small vessel without sacrificing performance engine

You can be rented for more days and take a trip with accommodation must be up to Orlik.

Vessel maximum of 6 persons requires at least two persons full capable of all the necessary maneuvers in harbors and locks (mooring vessels popping up on the dock bouncing vessel ... etc.).

Reservation required at least 24 hours in advance.

It is an open boat without a cabin, where anchoring is only possible at the pier, not at the shore (eg .: piers Czech Budejovice, Czech Vrbné, Hluboka nad Vltavou, Purkarec, Tyn nad Vltavou chateau Mitrowicz, Orlík and its various marinas ). Suitable for groups of friends or fishermen. Front and rear padding offers great comfort and versatility of use. At the back are dipozici steps to enter the water.

The vessel 520 Capelli of use on a cruise with the captain or fitness for a cruise to the license holder VMP who want to refresh your practical skills and an applicant for a license VMP.




Phone: +420 603 283 424


Port of Hluboka nad Vltavou


More information 

Requires captain's exam: YES


Price list








6 880 Kč

6 880 Kč

7 600 Kč

7 600 Kč

6 880 Kč

Working week

13 400 Kč

13 400 Kč

14 800 Kč

14 800 Kč

13 400 Kč

All week

18 760 Kč

18 760 Kč

20 720 Kč

20 720 Kč

18 760 Kč

1 day

3 700 Kč

3 700 Kč

4 100 Kč

4 100 Kč

3 700 Kč

2 days

6 880 Kč

6 880 Kč

7 600 Kč

7 600 Kč

6 880 Kč

3 days

9 290 Kč

9 290 Kč

10 290 Kč

10 290 Kč

9 290 Kč

4 days

11 520 Kč

11 520 Kč

12 770 Kč

12 770 Kč

11 520 Kč

5 days

13 400 Kč

13 400 Kč

14 800 Kč

14 800 Kč

13 400 Kč

6 days

16 080 Kč

16 080 Kč

17 760 Kč

17 760 Kč

16 080 Kč

7 days

18 760 Kč

18 760 Kč

20 720 Kč

20 720 Kč

18 760 Kč


Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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