
You can enjoy a cruise on the Vltava Trail in 7 sections, their breakdown and the overview of the boats you can use below.

Timetable and price list see the ship's detail.

The Vltava trail starts in České Budějovice and ends near the lock chamber Kořensko (dam Orlík). In České Budějovice you can also try a guided cruise on the Malše and Vltava rivers through the historical center of České Budějovice, followed by sections according to the main stops on the route - České Budějovice, Hluboká nad Vltavou, Purkarec, Tyn nad Vltavou and Kořensko. You can also use the ferry on Munický pond in Hluboká nad Vltavou on the way to the ZOO or ferry on the Hněvkovice dam in Purkarec between left and right banks.

Pravidelné plavby Stezka řeky Vltavy

section České Budějovice - Hluboká nad Vltavou

Approximately 9 kilometers cruise, which begins at Lanna Shipyard is the beginning of the Vltava Waterway, is kind of an urban type of cruise. You leave the urban part along the cycling path.

Vojtech Lanna Junior

Vojtech Lanna Junior

Family, Regular cruise
Price from

180 Kč

Vojtech LANNA recommended

Vojtech LANNA

Regular cruise
Price from

200 Kč


section Hluboká nad Vltavou - Purkarec

Approximately 12 kilometers long cruise will take you right under the Hluboká castle through the chamber (unless you start / stop the cruise in the part of Hluboká - Hamry). In this section you can look forward to the most beautiful nature in the Vltava Trail, see the Baba viewpoint or the ruins of Charle's Castle. The most beautiful part is the Karvanice gorge in front of village Purkarec. At the stop in Purkarec you can visit the local restaurant or the Timberraft Museum. Along the way, you will also see the Hluboká Ferrata, where a special line from the Hamry locality also runs.

Vojtech Lanna Junior

Vojtech Lanna Junior

Family, Regular cruise
Price from

180 Kč

Ferry Purkarec

Ferry Purkarec

Regular cruise, Active
Price from

50 Kč

Palava recommended


Family, Regular cruise
Price from

220 Kč

Malse recommended


Regular cruise
Price from

200 Kč

Vojtech LANNA recommended

Vojtech LANNA

Regular cruise
Price from

200 Kč


section Purkarec - Týn nad Vtavou

Approximately 12 kilometers long cruise from / to Purkarec, where restaurants and the Timberraft Museum are available, will take you along the Hněvkovice Dam. A great experience awaits here when overcoming the difference of 15 meters of water level through the lock chamber. This is the biggest level difference in the Vltava Trail and you will definitely remember this experience. There is another lock chamber (Hněvkovice - weir), which is significantly smaller. After crossing both lock chambers (in the direction of the flow) you gradually enter the town of Týn nad Vltavou, where the remains of the former upholstery path are on the river bank.

Ferry Purkarec

Ferry Purkarec

Regular cruise, Active
Price from

50 Kč

Palava recommended


Family, Regular cruise
Price from

220 Kč


section Týn nad Vltavou - Kořensko (dam Orlík)

The cruise leads through picturesque nature. In this direction you can go on cruises to the confluence of the rivers Vltava and Lužnice or the lock chamber Kořensko, where it is possible to sail to the dam Orlík.

Palava recommended


Family, Regular cruise
Price from

220 Kč

Regent recommended


Family, Regular cruise
Price from

220 Kč


section České Budějovice - historic centre (Malše and Vltava river)

This section is located in the upper part of the Vltava River above Jirasek weir and during this cruise you can see the city of Ceske Budejovice from the water surface. During the cruises you move along the rivers Vltava and Malše.



Family, Regular cruise
Price from

330 Kč

St. Rosalia recommended

St. Rosalia

Family, Regular cruise
Price from

220 Kč


section Hluboká nad Vltavou - Munický pond /ZOO

On the outskirts of Hluboká nad Vltavou is Munický pond. Here you can get a ferry from the city to the local ZOO for more than 1 kilometer long cruise. The piers are located near the gas station and right at the exit of the South Bohemian Zoological Garden.

Kolodej recommended


Family, Regular cruise
Price from

80 Kč


section Hněvkovice dam (village Purkarec)

Between the left and right banks of Hněvkovice dam (village Purkarec) is a regular ferry for hiker and cyclists.

Ferry Purkarec

Ferry Purkarec

Regular cruise, Active
Price from

50 Kč


Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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