AM Yacht 560 115HP

Sports boat with 115HP engine available with a captain for a private trip along the Vltava River Path.

Price from 5 500 Kč /day

Cruiser with a high performance engine 115HP, which can drive owners VMP (Card Small Craft) is available to you with the captain, whom you know interesting tourist area Budějovicko from the water. While individual program of visiting nearby rivers such as the prospect of Baba, the ruins of Charles Castle (the only monument of Charles IV. In southern Bohemia), Museum of Rafting in Purkarec or Vltavotýnsko or underground museum.

Trip includes:

- Transit lock chamber at Deep is melted

- Hike to the top instaplaces BABA

- Hike Charles Hradek

- Lunch at Purkarec (not covered)

- Range to lock Hněvkovice 

(During the voyage you can swim in the river Vltava on request)





Phone: +420 602 746 746

Sports and recreation complex Hluboka nad Vltavou


More information 

Capacity boats: 6 people

Requires captain's exam: YES


Price list

One day ( by agreement) from 2-6 thousand crowns.


Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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