Apache E-Bikes

Take advantage of the power of electromobility and relax on your travels.

Price from 200 Kč /day

Use the power of electromobility and relax on your travels.

Expansion of pedelec network in South Bohemia - Pedelec for seniors (and not only for them)

  • Wheel frame suitable for seniors - low entry
  • Range min 100 km
  • Drive with central motor
  • Cross wheel with semi-rough tire suitable for terrain and road
  • Suspension locking fork
  • LCD display for easier operation
  • complete charging equipment
  • Retrofitting wheels - mudguards, stand, lighting, lock

Electro-cycling is one of the ways how to extend the tourist season in the South Bohemian region and at the same time to connect tourist attractions in the region. The project will benefit mainly the target group - seniors and handicapped fellow citizens. It is a form of tourism that is environmentally friendly and ensures reach to places that were only accessible to non-athletes by vehicle. An electric bicycle is a bicycle with a comfortable seat that has a low entry.


web: www.areal-hluboka.cz

email: petrik@good-agency.cz

telefon: +420 602 746 746 

Sportovně relaxační areál Hluboká nad Vltavou


Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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