Hluboká castle

Pearl of South Bohemia Hluboka Castle. State chateau administered by the National Heritage Institute is one of the most visited places in the South Region. 

White dominant, visible from afar on arrival from the Czech Budejovice - whether one car, bicycle, skating, running or driving on the Vltava River, originates from the 13th century, but the current appearance in the 19th century is a beautiful complex accessible thanks to several sightseeing routes, where you can buy a ticket to the courtyard. 

During the tour, you know the original life of the Schwarzenberg family, and the main purpose of Hluboka castle and the necessary equipment for the operation. You look into the ceremonial rooms to private rooms, the original owners in the guest rooms or the kitchen or the castle tower. Hluboka Castle advantage is its functioning even in winter thanks to the winter tour route. Fans can watch history dates listed on special tours or tours with curators.

It is surrounded by a huge park, which is divided into upper and lower parts. The lower part is governed by the special mode and is locking. The upper part of the garden offers several kilometers walk through the park, past the rare trees, tombs, ponds or prospects of the surroundings.

Part of the neighboring former castle riding is the most important art galleries in South Bohemia - Ales South Bohemian Gallery, which offers world-class exhibitions.

For more information, current tours and opening times visit Hluboka castle .


Instagram: @stezkavltavy

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