
A guide to the world of cafes
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A guide to the world of cafes

Are you a coffee lover? We have prepared a guide for you to places you should not miss.

11.7.2022 04:44
From the saddle to the sauna. Cycling and wellness in the Bu
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From the saddle to the sauna. Cycling and wellness in the Bu

Go on a good cycling trip and enjoy a hot sauna in the evening or relax in the hot tub? Budejovice offers both! We bring you some tips on how to spend an extended autumn weekend in Southern Bohemia.

22.9.2021 16:32
16 tips on where to eat well
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16 tips on where to eat well

Having the food recommended is usually the best choice.

28.6.2021 04:59
How and where to shop locally
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How and where to shop locally

Do you like smaller stores, local markets and especially local products? We will advise you where to go in Budějovice.

28.6.2021 04:17
10 travel souvenir tips
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10 travel souvenir tips

Don't know what to buy on the go and make your loved ones happy? We will advise you on typical local products that may please.

28.6.2021 03:50
Along the Vltava Trail with a camera
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Along the Vltava Trail with a camera

Take a look at the Vltava Trail through the camera lens. This time no imagination according to the texts, but real shots of our guides.

27.6.2021 10:51
5 TOP restaurants in Budweis where you can eat vegetarian
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5 TOP restaurants in Budweis where you can eat vegetarian

The offer of quality restaurants in České Budějovice is truly limitless and varied. Not surprisingly, those seeking vegetarian food will also come into their own. Let's take a look at a few “vegan friendly” tips.

19.8.2019 08:20
Romantic weekend on the Vltava Trail
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Romantic weekend on the Vltava Trail

Are you planning where to take your love or your loved one for a nice weekend for two? In South Bohemia you will come across a truly romantic region. We have prepared for you an ideal weekend itinerary for 2.5 days, during which you will know more or less known corners of the Vltava Trail. The starting point will be České Budějovice

15.8.2019 13:46
Holiday in South Bohemia
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Holiday in South Bohemia

“Holidays in South Bohemia? And what would we do there all week? ”- my parents asked me when I reminded them that they could come in the summer.

11.6.2019 14:44
TOP 5 viewpoints on the Vltava river path
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TOP 5 viewpoints on the Vltava river path

Nature on the Vltava Trail is beautiful, none of it. It is worth seeing it not only from the eye level, but also ascending and watching the Vltava, whether it is in a state of mere lazy flow, merging with another river or just wild in many meanders.

22.5.2019 14:06
A guide to the world of cafes
From the saddle to the sauna. Cycling and wellness in the Bu
16 tips on where to eat well
How and where to shop locally
10 travel souvenir tips
Along the Vltava Trail with a camera
5 TOP restaurants in Budweis where you can eat vegetarian
Romantic weekend on the Vltava Trail
Holiday in South Bohemia
TOP 5 viewpoints on the Vltava river path

Instagram: @stezkavltavy

Silvestrovské propagační plavecké závody… Letošní novinkou Českobudějovického adventu byl… Vánoční nasvícená @zoohluboka  až do 8.1.2023
🚩 … Vánočně nasvícená zoo - @zoohluboka 🎄♥️
… 🐟 Rybářské slavnosti na Hluboké - Munický rybník… Přijeďte si vyzkoušet zajištěné lezení nad vodou.… Přijďte fandit 🇨🇿 na mezinárodní závody v… Mistrovství Evropy Juniorů 2022 🌊
🚩 Vodácký Areál… VEČERNÍ POHÁDKOVÁ ZOO 18.8.2022

I v letošním… Přírodovědné muzeum Semenec v Týně nad Vltavou. 
… 🔥Na základě žádosti pro zajištění dostatečného…
